About Us

Since its foundation in 2002, Stocknomics has been pioneering computer-learning and algorithmic modeling for equities and ETFs agnostic to market direction. Our proprietary models and short-term trading strategies allow us to maximize potential profits while scientifically minimizing risk.

Stocknomics' computer-learning technology allows for continuous improvement in the quality of models and in their results. Since the launch of Stocknomics' first equity sister fund in October 2009, Stocknomics has consistently outperformed major equity indices. Our trading strategy and model generation are focused on Alpha creation.

Stocknomics believes in the existence of repeatability even in the most complex, dynamic, chaotic systems. Through years of dedication, commitment and hard work, Stocknomics has researched and developed proprietary algorithmic technologies capable of capturing dynamic patterns in real-life observations.

The dynamic patterns are turned into intelligent, split-second decisions that capture the insight of tomorrow. Stocknomics emphasizes continuous investment in knowledge creation and acquisition. Pioneering precision in investment decisions is considered a dynamic task relying upon, and often creating, cutting edge technology.


Proprietary Technology

Stocknomics licenses its proprietary technology to sister funds.

Investment Decisions

Stocknomics assists organizations in making intelligent, empirically-based investment decisions.